Monday, October 13, 2014

You need a new Kindle, right? Register to win one this week!

My new ebook, Declutter for Good: Share Your Stuff and Reclaim Your Life, is now available for $7.99 on Amazon and other digital platforms.


  1. I don't have a garage but I have a carport and since clearing out my mom's condo and my aunt's house, I can barely make out a path to walk through my carport, let alone park a car in it. I think I need this book!

    1. Claire, I'm teaching a class in my area this week based on my book, and I'm hearing the same issue from the folks who have been attending: what do I do about all the stuff I've inherited from my relatives? That might have to be a blog post one of these days! Thanks for visiting! (Claire's my daughter's name, too! I love it!)

  2. My garage might be beyond help but it'll be worth a try when Spring rolls around again.

    1. It'll be warm, then, too--you'll be ready to get outside again! :)

  3. Great ideas!! I do my "spring" cleaning in the fall getting ready for the holidays. So this is very timely!! Joan May

    1. Joan, I do the same thing -- I like going into such a busy time with a cleaned and decluttered house!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Step Four is what I need to work on. I am great at boxing items up but stack them away and forget about them. I am looking forward to reading your book for more great tips.
